Leslie Blaize

Architecture/Engineering/Construction Copywriter

I specialize in working with Architecture/Engineering/Construction industries to create content that promotes your brand and celebrates the value you bring to communities. I’m ready to help you effectively publicize strategic projects that build your reputation. I have been certified as a Professional Services Marketer by the Society for Marketing Professional Services. I’m also a certified case study specialist.

Here are a few reasons I’m the right choice for your firm.

Leslie Blaize

You Don’t Have to Teach Me About Your Industry 

I’m familiar with the complexities of A/E/C firms and their multidiscipline projects. I spent over twenty years providing corporate communications, marketing and public relations services to enhance strategic goals, and I can do the same for you.

Busy Professionals Benefit from Knowledgeable Writer

Time is of the essence for your technical staff. I understand. I can research projects and efficiently interview professionals to learn about their projects and recent industry developments. I appreciate the knowledge of subject-matter experts.

Let’s Celebrate How Your Projects Improved Communities

When I create A/E/C content, I’m looking for the “inside scoop” that will engage readers, whether they’re clients, prospects, partners or recruits. As a former journalist, I know how to tell a good story that will build your visibility. I’ll make it clear how your projects improve their communities.

Uncover Your Hidden Content Treasures

You need to stay top-of-mind for your clients and prospects. Repurpose your award submittals, project descriptions, and presentation slides. I can turn this information into web content, blog posts,  case studies, and articles that will highlight your expertise and build trust with clients.

Want to learn more? My portfolio page provides just a few examples of the types of work I do.

About Me

I’ve been finding and writing good stories that engage readers for my professional career.

Weekly Newspapers and Print Shop

After working on a daily newspaper, I became the co-owner of three weekly newspapers and a small print shop. This experience taught me how to write copy, take photos, sell ads and manage a business.

Multidiscipline Professional Services Firm

From there, I joined an award-winning firm that provides engineering, architecture, planning, surveying, and environmental services. In this capacity, I handled a wide range of corporate communications, marketing, public relations, and internal communications.

Founded Writing Business in 2017

As the owner of Blaize Communications, I work with A/E/C companies to write website content, blog posts, case studies, and articles celebrating their success stories and engaging existing and potential clients.

Unlike most copywriters, I spent more than 20 years in the industry. I understand the strategic business development process and the critical role marketing plays in achieving bottom-line goals.

I enjoy talking with technical professionals and value their contributions to client communities. I am a Certified Professional Services Marketer through the Society for Marketing Professional Services and a Certified Case Study Specialist.

See more details about my background on my LinkedIn page.


I’m a member of a women’s dance group. The Golden Dancers perform for mostly senior audiences throughout the area. I’ve been involved in dance groups for years and enjoy it. My husband and I moved in Billings, Montana, to be closer to family. We appreciate that we’re close to the Yellowstone National Park.

Visit my Portfolio to see and download samples of my work.

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